[ZWeb] Re: Grrr. zope.org wikis are evil.

Andrew Sawyers andrew at sawdog.com
Mon Oct 9 16:54:50 EDT 2006

On 10/9/06 4:47 PM, "Jim Fulton" <jim at zope.com> wrote:

> I think the best thing to do at this point is to declare the current
> zope.org implementation a failure and move on.
INSHO it has been known for quite sometime, but people are still trying to
make progress in the only environment we can.
> I'll repeat that our commercial cluster is not the right place to host
> zope.org.  We can't really give volunteers the access to do what they need to
> do.
Please explain why?  There is no commercial customers on the boxes zope.org
services are on, outside of the load balancer and squid, which are not
necessary to make progress until things can be moved.
> Jim
What's it going to take to move stuff?  If someone anti's up a server, can
we move things immediately so this isn't an issue?


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