[ZWeb] I go away for a few days :)

Martijn Faassen faassen at infrae.com
Sat Oct 14 06:05:12 EDT 2006


I go away for a few days (to a Zope 3 sprint in Germany, still there), 
and lots happened! Sorry I wasn't involved earlier, I only got caught up 

Let's first start with the pieces of *good news*:

* we got a team of people very much involved with DNS now and the 
situation seems to be well in hand *now*

* we are making great steps towards finally having a Zope Foundation 

* we have people working on Apache and we have moved closer towards a 
microsites solution for zope.org, which will make evolution and eventual 
migration to a different server solution a lot easier.

Now as to the bad news: the whole Justizin situation. I feel I must 
apologize for taking up Justizin as a volunteer. My defense: at the time 
he seemed like a reasonable person and he was the only one that I 
noticed stepped up as a volunteer. While I understand some of his 
frustration, his outbursts made him clearly unacceptable. I'm glad he 
has had the wisdom to step back, though a bit more grace on his part 
might've been in order. Thanks everybody for stepping up and resolving 
both the DNS issues and the situation. Let's all consider these teething 
problems for our zope-web community.

The positive side-effect of this debacle is that he did energize lots of 
people. Next time I need to energize a bunch of people I shall create a 
sock-puppet. :)



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