[ZWeb] Re: cut over ?

Simon Michael simon at joyful.com
Sat Oct 21 20:35:54 EDT 2006

I dumped some process notes at http://zwiki.org/Zope3WikiMove .

Here are some questions I had about the configuration at zope3.zwiki.org :

- default markup ?

Structured Text will remain the default unless there is a consensus to 
promote rst or something else for this wiki.

- show subtopics ?

Zwiki's automatic subtopics links are currently enabled. Generally I find 
they reduce manual work and increase visibility of the wiki content (having 
them is like proximity radar, not having them is like tunnel vision). But 
this wiki's content is structured to work without them, and you might 
prefer to just turn off that feature.

- max_anonymous_links, max_identified_links

An anti-spam feature; anonymous users and identified users (who have set a 
username in options) may only post a certain maximum number of external 
links per edit. This stops a lot of automated spam, but can also be 
annoying. Currently these are set to 0 and unlimited.

- WikiName links ?

Should bare WikiNames be linked ? A lot of the wiki uses these links. 
Currently enabled.

- single bracket links ?


- mail out edits or comments by default ?

The old wiki mails out all edits to subscribers. The new one will let 
subscribers choose all edits or just the comments and new pages, probably. 
Which should be configured for the current subscribers ?

- mail-in ?

Should new pages and comment replies via mail-in be allowed ? Currently 

- webdav, ftp access ?

Currently disabled except for managers, probably. External editor is 
enabled for all.


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