[ZWeb] zope.org migration
David Lawson
david at zope.com
Fri Jun 13 04:17:28 EDT 2008
We've completed the zope.org migration, the site is responding,
mail.zope.org is up and looks to be processing mail, as well as
serving the list archives and all just fine, and I can see people
logging in to cvs so everything looks good. The instances running www.zope.org
are more than a bit slow at the moment because they lost their
object caches, so I've got a monitor running on them to put the caches
in offline mode to let the instances recover a bit when they get
backed up. All in all, while this took a little longer than I was
anticipating, it went quite smoothly.
Systems Administrator
Zope Corp.
david at zope.com
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