[Zope] - Finding recently changed pages
Kent Polk
Tue, 8 Dec 1998 20:02:54
Hi Jim (Jim Fulton), in <366DA7FE.BA753CC@digicool.com> on Dec 08 you wrote:
> Kent Polk wrote:
> >
> > Hi A.M. (A.M. Kuchling), in <199812061624.LAA25965@207-172-39-232.s232.tnt10.ann.erols.com> on Dec 6 you wrote:
> >
> > > At http://discuss.userland.com/msgReader$857 , Dave Winer suggests
> > > that Web sites should have a top-level siteChanges.xml file that lists
> > > URLs that have recently changed. Search engines could then use this
> > > information to only crawl pages that have changed recently, which
> > > would let them keep up to date more easily. How would one go about
> > > implementing something like this under Zope?
> Andrew,
> I seem to have missplaced your original post, so
> I'll reply here. One problem we've run into whenever we've approached
> this is that it's really hard to *define* when a URL changes. If
> A URL is computed fron n objects, when does a URL change? When one of
> the n objects have changed? When they've all changed? When m
> (1 <= m <= n) have changed? When some particular subobjects have changed?
> I suspect that the definition could be application dependent.
Exactly. That's why I was wanting a tree-walking solution for having objects
contribute their modification date, or something like that. Basically have
a way to set what objects will respond to a give_me_your_modification_date
method. Both standard objects as well as application objects could respond
as needed (such as query methods, etc.)