[Zope] - Authenication problems when on webhost?

Jimmie Houchin jhouchin@texoma.net
Tue, 8 Dec 1998 22:08:17 -0600

>> >Hurrah for Hiway and RapidSite!  I've always thought it
>> >shameful for the consumer to be at the "mercy" of their
>> >webhost.  Perhaps Digital Creations should showcase a
>> >list of Zope-friendly site hosting services, starting
>> >with a link to RapidSite.
>Yes, I can understand the paranoia though.
>import os
>while 1:
>	os.fork()
>A trivial fork bomb, but there are a million others.  Please don't mistake my
>comment as a request to start a discussion on hack techniques.

Ah, security risks. Being a naive end-user who is not a security risk, who
is not accustomed to thinking about malicious users. It is something I will
have to learn though. :(

>> I would heartily second that. It is a good thing to know where you are will
>> support what you are doing.
>> A webhost who understand Zope, PCGI and it's LRPs and allows them is a
>> great benefit to the community.
>	Yes.  Got any money? :)

Ahh! The (almost) universal solution.
More money would solve alot of my problems. I would be co-locating in a
heart-beat. :)
One day though, it'll come.

Jimmie Houchin