[Zope] - More ?? to External Methods

Janko Hauser hauser@lisboa.ifm.uni-kiel.de
Thu, 10 Dec 1998 23:15:34 +0100 (CET)

I see that all you all get external methods working. I tried it like
in the docu, but get Errors in the add process.

Sorry, an error occurred.<p>
Traceback (innermost last):
line 861, in publish_module
line 583, in publish
    (Info: /IFM/TO/STUFF/manage_addExternalMethod)
line 125, in manage_addExternalMethod
    (Object: Navigation)
line 167, in __init__
    (Object: Item)
line 186, in manage_edit
    (Object: Item)
line 207, in getFunction
    (Object: Item)
  File /home/hauser/ZOPE/Zope-1.9b1-src/lib/python/App/Extensions.py,
line 104, in __cmp__
AttributeError: 'None' object has no attribute 'co_argcount'


I have created the directory Zope-1.9b1-src/Extensions and have the
module file in this dir. And if I understand Extensions.py right the
file is found and loaded. If I klone the steps in a console I can load 
the file and also look for co_argcount.

I have also tried to make the extension available in a MyProduct dir
in the Products directory, but Zope thinks that this should be a
zipped file. (*.pyp) How do I create such a file. just gzipping *.py
or *.pyc does not function.

Sorry to ask so simple questions. By the way, is someone working on a
diary-like module for a Zope user? This seems to me as a nice starting 

__Janko Hauser