[Zope] - More ?? to External Methods
Roman Milner
10 Dec 1998 16:31:22 -0600
This is sort of not related - but where are you guys getting these
tracebacks from? All I got was:
"Sorry, an error occurred."
The traceback would have helped a lot.
>>>>> "JH" == Janko Hauser <hauser@lisboa.ifm.uni-kiel.de> writes:
JH> I see that all you all get external methods working. I tried
JH> it like in the docu, but get Errors in the add process.
JH> </head> <body> Sorry, an error occurred.<p> <!-- Traceback
JH> (innermost last): File
JH> /home/hauser/ZOPE/Zope-1.9b1-src/lib/python/ZPublisher/Publish.py,
JH> line 861, in publish_module File
JH> /home/hauser/ZOPE/Zope-1.9b1-src/lib/python/ZPublisher/Publish.py,
JH> line 583, in publish (Info:
JH> /IFM/TO/STUFF/manage_addExternalMethod) File
JH> /home/hauser/ZOPE/Zope-1.9b1-src/lib/python/Products/ExternalMethod/ExternalMethod.py,
JH> line 125, in manage_addExternalMethod (Object: Navigation)
JH> File
JH> /home/hauser/ZOPE/Zope-1.9b1-src/lib/python/Products/ExternalMethod/ExternalMethod.py,
JH> line 167, in __init__ (Object: Item) File
JH> /home/hauser/ZOPE/Zope-1.9b1-src/lib/python/Products/ExternalMethod/ExternalMethod.py,
JH> line 186, in manage_edit (Object: Item) File
JH> /home/hauser/ZOPE/Zope-1.9b1-src/lib/python/Products/ExternalMethod/ExternalMethod.py,
JH> line 207, in getFunction (Object: Item) File
JH> /home/hauser/ZOPE/Zope-1.9b1-src/lib/python/App/Extensions.py,
JH> line 104, in __cmp__ AttributeError: 'None' object has no
JH> attribute 'co_argcount'
Search the mailing list archives - there is a patch you have to
apply before external methods will work.