[Zope] - Can't make the DTML example work ;-(
skip@calendar.com (Skip Montanaro)
skip@calendar.com (Skip Montanaro)
Sat, 19 Dec 1998 08:38:35 -0500 (EST)
Luc> <!--#call expr="counter=counter+1"-->
Luc> Counter: <!--#var counter-->
Luc> When I try to view the page, I get the following error:
Luc> File /usr/local/Zope/lib/python/DocumentTemplate/VSEval.py, line 170, in __init__
Luc> (Object: counter=counter+1)
Luc> File "<string>", line 1
Luc> counter=counter+1
Luc> ^
Luc> SyntaxError: invalid syntax
Luc> ===================
I'm not sure what example you're referring to, or precisely what the
solution is, but it looks to me like you're putting a statement
(counter=counter+1) where an expression (e.g., counter+1) is required.
Skip Montanaro | Mojam: "Uniting the World of Music" http://www.mojam.com/
skip@calendar.com | Musi-Cal: http://concerts.calendar.com/