[Zope] - BoboPos probem

Thomas Heller heller@ms.tlk.com
21 Dec 1998 19:07:34 -0000

I have an application mainly programmed within an external method.
This method is called with the 'self' parameter, so has access to the folder it is defined in.

I decided to attach custom data from within the external method to the self object.
This data was a list containing lists containing integers.
Everything worked well, but finally I discovered that 'cleaning up' Zope's database failed with an error. Trying to restart Zope failed miserably (traceback is attached).
It seems this has not been a good idea. What did I do wrong?

Thomas Heller

Traceback (innermost last):
  File "C:\Programme\WebSite\serve.py", line 101, in ?
  File "C:\Programme\WebSite\ZopeHTTPServer\ZopeHTTPServer.py", line 527, in main
  File "C:\Programme\WebSite\ZopeHTTPServer\ZopeHTTPServer.py", line 467, in start
  File "C:\Programme\WebSite\ZopeHTTPServer\ZopeHTTPServer.py", line 463, in set_published_module
    __import__(name) # to catch problem modules right away
  File "C:\Programme\WebSite\lib\python\Main.py", line 115, in ?
  File "C:\Programme\WebSite\lib\python\OFS\Application.py", line 308, in open_bobobase
  File "C:\Programme\WebSite\lib\python\BoboPOS\PickleDictionary.py", line 166, in __init__
  File "C:\Programme\WebSite\lib\python\BoboPOS\SimpleDB.py", line 218, in __init__
  File "C:\Programme\WebSite\lib\python\BoboPOS\SimpleDB.py", line 271, in open
    self.index,self.pos=read_index(file, now, meta_index=meta_index)
  File "C:\Programme\WebSite\lib\python\BoboPOS\SimpleDB.py", line 1332, in read_index
    raise DatabaseError, ('Corrupted data record at %s' % pos)
DatabaseError: Corrupted data record at 42071