[Zope] - Virtual servers

Dave Goodrich DAve@mail.netraven.com
Tue, 22 Dec 1998 22:27:16 -0800

On Tue, 22 Dec 1998, Andreas Kostyrka scratched:
>On Tue, 22 Dec 1998, Dave Goodrich wrote:
>> Does EVERY website use SSL?  Must SSL be handled from the same server in every
>EVERY Zope site SHOULD (or depending upon policy MUST) use SSL, as it
>transmits basic auth info, which equals to clear text passwords over the
>wire without using https.
>So yes. Especially, as with Zope you cannot just rsync/ssh your data onto
>the server.

As a Mac admin I must confess to a certain lazyness about security, we are
generally left alone by the "evil doers", as a dedicated Mac server is too much
work to hack.  There are lots of Unix servers to play inside of easily, so the
hackers leave us alone. My only problems have been spam attacks and 
Communigate has solved that problem.

> >> instance?
>> >Than there is http/1.1, which is not trivial to get right, witness the
>> >fact that IE still doesn't get it right in extreme cases :(
>> >
>> Then Zope is not capable a HTTP 1.1?
>Nope. That depends upon the Webserver. And ZopeHTTPServer is HTTP/1.0.
>But that's basically my point: It depends upon the Webserver.
>> It was not that long ago people said "Internet Information Server will never
>> have the market share of Apache".
>Since does it have it?

It doesn't, but you KNEW what I ment by IIS didn't you?  It doesn't have to be
Apache to sell a service.  There are lots of IIS servers here in Seattle, take
it from a Mac/Linux man,  I could do a LOT more business if I wanted to switch
to NT. 

>> >Additionally, you have NOT given one good argument why to do
>> away with >Apache. Anything you've mentioned is also available with
>> apache/pcgi :) >
>> >Andreas
>> Yes it is, but it also could be done without Apache.  I believe, mind you it's
>> opinion, that Medusa offers several advantages over Apache.  Have you looked at
>> the website?  http://squirl.nightmare.com/medusa/
>Hmmm. Still nobody explained to me how to handle ``long'' tasks correctly
>and easily with Medusa.
>(With long tasks I mean say tarring up some files, or doing a SQL query
> that may take say 2-3 seconds.)
>> There is more than one way to skin a cat ;^)  
>Without question ;) But I'd rather say that a well working Zope
>application server is more important at the moment that writing an
>fullfledged Webserver that happens to be only usable with Zope.
>(And it is not that trivial, HTTP/1.0, HTTP/1.1, NamedVirtualHosts,
> IP-based hosts, etc., AND there is a nice implementation of this already,
> it's called Apache ;) )

You are an excellent antagonist, and I do not know enough about server
"guts" to converse with you, much less argue ;^)  Enough to say I was raised
to question the norm, never been afraid to click "go", and I will always think
that sacred cows make great hamburgers.  

I'll continue to pursue the Zope
server, as I'm certain you will pursue the pcgi approach, and I think we both
will have a very cool tool.

Thanks for the input,
