[Zope] - Zope - New MySQLDA breaks connectivity

Chad Fowler cfowler@fedex.com
29 Dec 1998 03:47:44 -0000

My last post ended up being caused by a bug in the 
MySQL adapter (hence today's patch).  While I was delighted to hear that it wasn't my fault, I encountered more bad luck after upgrading to the new adapter.

With new or existing MySQL connection objects, I am unable to connect and receive an error that my connection string is invalid.  Has anyone else had similar problems?  Unfortunately, I'm more experienced with Sybase and Oracle, so I'm not sure if it's just something I've done wrong with MySQL.  Before, I was just using:
testdb root

...as my connection string.  Stupid, maybe, but it was sufficient for learning Zope on my non-production workstation.  I've since attempted to create users with valid passwords and use them.  I've also done something like the following:
testdb@myhost myusername mypassword

...and every conceivable variation of that.  I'm at a loss.

Thanks in advance,
Chad Fowler