[Zope] - [Zope] in mailing list headers
Jimmie Houchin
Wed, 30 Dec 1998 22:15:21 -0600
Howdy All,
Anybody have an opinion on the necessity of continuing to have [Zope] in
the subject header?
Originally in the switch from Bobo-list to Zope-list and duplication of
messages it served a good purpose. The Bobo-list didn't and doesn't have an
equivalent [Bobo] prefix.
Most people have migrated to the Zope and the Bobo list is greatly reduced.
I have seen messages such as:
RE: [Zope] - RE: [Zope] -...
"[Zope] - " minimally consumes 9 characters. Add a "re: " and your upto 13.
This has caused some subjects to be cut.
Is it still desired?
I know this isn't any over-my-head-technical-subject but, any opinions?
Jimmie Houchin