[Zope] How do I 'refresh' external methods.

Jørgen Gårdsted Jørgensen gardsted@image.dk
Sat, 10 Apr 1999 20:54:52 +0200

I am learning Zope, and here are my current problems:
I have a DTML method mk_person, that
1) makes a folder
2) adds an external method to that folder
3) calls the external method with ('myperson')
the external method imports the person-class  and creates an instance
with id='myperson'
the person class reads index_html from a file like this:


Problem no.1:
How do I ensure, that changes, I make in the 'MyPersonDBForm.html', are
on the form the next time, 'myperson' is called? (for now I have to
restart ZOPE, not very RADish...)

Problem no 1.1:
How do I ensure that changes, I have made to the person
class-definition, are reflected, the next time, I call the DTML method
(see above) , that creates an instance? (restart Zope???, I guess not,
so I must have overlooked something)

Problem no.2:
How do I transfer environment variables to 'MyPersonDBForm.html', so
that I can use:
<!--#var standard_html_header--> (at present it gives me a nameerror)

Thank You in advance
Jorgen Gardsted Jorgensen