[Zope] adding Oracle adapter?

Keith Rohrer KRohrer@hnv.com
Tue, 13 Apr 1999 15:34:02 -0500

I successfully downloaded Zope, and it seems to work okay.  But I want to
access my Oracle database with Zope SQL methods, so I downloaded the Oracle
database adapter (Z Oracle DA).  The "installation instructions" only tell
me how to build DCOracle; no sign of how to install ZOracleDA into Zope can
be found, and Zope has yet to read my mind and detect ZOracleDA's presence.

Where must I install the ZOracleDA stuff, and what (if anything) besides
restarting Zope must I do after that so that Zope will let me create Oracle
database connections as it now lets me create Gadfly connections?  If it's
in the docs, I don't see where, and I've looked through everything vaguely
relevant.  A link in http://www.zope.org/Download/ZOracleDA would be much

(I don't want to move the Zope database itself to Oracle yet...)
