[Zope] Extended use of the calendar tag

Ty Sarna tsarna@endicor.com
25 Apr 1999 18:13:08 GMT

In article <19990423204523.A1002@RaVER.duck.org>,
 <raver@box.dust.za.net> wrote:
> Now I'm down to only one question, how do I get to use the properties and
> variables documented in the CalenderTag class? Could you please give an DTML
> example? 

Sure, here's a simple example that shows a calendar with weekend days
shown on a red background,and with each day linked to the day-mode
version of the display for that date. 

  <!--#if "date.dow() in (0, 6)"-->
   <!--#call "setCalendar('cellbgcolor', 'red')"-->

  <a href="<!--#var "linkDate(date, 'day')"-->">
   <!--#var date fmt=day-->