[Zope] ZSQL method attribute name question

Martijn Pieters mj@antraciet.nl
Tue, 03 Aug 1999 10:28:43 +0200

At 02:53 03/08/99 , Robert Carey wrote:
>Michel Pelletier wrote:
> > Robert Carey wrote:
> > >
> > > I would like to be able to write generic handlers for data returned by
> > > ZSQL methods.  To do this I need to know how to get access to the
> > > metadata for rows returned by ZSQL methods.
> > >
> > > If I define a class and associate it with a ZSQL method using the
> > > Advanced tab of that method's management page, what is the right way for
> > > that class to learn the names of the columns returned by the query?
> > >
> >
> > ZSQL Methods return a sequence of record objects.  These record objects
> > are instanciated on the fly.  You can even specify a class in the
> > filesystem that defines your returned objects.  These are called
> > pluggable brains, and are probably what your looking for, because you
> > can define the actualy object returned to you, and don't have to go
> > sniffing on it to find out it's properties.
> >
> > -Michel
>I am somewhat confused.  I thought that a pluggable brain was the same thing
>as a class associated with a ZSQL method.  Is it something else?

No, Michel is not paying attention. You were using a pluggable brain, which 
is indeed a class associated with a ZSQL Method.

>There are places where I would like to do some sniffing to determine
>properties, rather than hardcode them into a class definition.
>For example, what I wanted to do was write a generic method that could be used
>in more than one of those classes without the classes having to know anything
>about the details of the query they were written to support.
>Here is an artificial example.  Suppose you wanted to construct a header out
>of the names of the columns in the relation returned by any query, and you
>wanted to be able to apply that header to a number of different queries.  If
>this use of __record_schema__ is all right, you could do something like:
># generic class - can be applied to any ZSQL method
>class handler:
>     def title(self):
>         ret = ""
>         for i in self.__record_schema__.keys():
>           ret = ret + str(i) + " "
>         ret = ret + "<br>"
>         return ret
># event-table specific class associated with ZSQL method getevent
>class event(handler):
>     def get_event(self):
>         return "<br>%10.10s:%10.10s..." % (self.name, self.description)
># user-table specific class associated with ZSQL method getuser
>class user(handler):
>     def get_user(self):
>         return "<br>%s:%s" % (self.first_name, self.last_name)
>where "user" and "event" are classes designed to support the records returned
>by the specific ZSQL methods called "getuser" and "getevent."
>Then from DTML you could do something like:
><!--#var standard_html_header-->
><!--#in getuser-->
>   <!--#if sequence-start-->
>     <!--#var title-->
>   <!--#/if-->
>   <!--#var get_user-->
><!--#in getevent-->
>   <!--#if sequence-start-->
>     <!--#var title-->
>   <!--#/if-->
>   <!--#var get_event-->
><!--#var standard_html_footer-->
>This would display a result like:
>Early Bird:Come join ...
>Lazy Work :Rick is le...
>Current Ev:Come discu...
>Dahlia Dal:We are off...
>An Evening:We will di...
>Movie in t:Tonights m...
>Ignoring for the moment that in this context the generated page is not
>particularly meaningful, note that the header of each section was produced by
>the same piece of inherited code with no knowledge of the specific query.
>There are places where I would prefer to work in a way analagous to this
>rather than to have to code the header information specifically into
>individual classes such as "event" and "user."
>What I would like to know is if
>         for i in self.__record_schema__.keys():
>is a legitimate way to get at this information, and if it is not then is there
>another way that I can use?
>Or, for that matter, am I totally misusing the ZSQL class facility, and should
>I be doing something else?  Is there a tutorial on ZSQL methods that goes into
>how to use pluggable brains?  I love using Zope, but I sometimes have trouble
>knowing whether I am going with or against the grain of the system.

With Zope, the source is most often your documentation. And yes, what you 
are doing is legitimate and correct. I believe DC is in the process of 
officially documentating the source, therefore making it official.

The fact you found __record_schema__, means you already know where to look. 
For those that don't, lib/python/Shared/DC/ZRDB/Results.py creates 
instances of the record object, which is based on a simple, empty class end 
an optional user specified filebased class, the pluggable brain.

Martijn Pieters, Web Developer
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