[Zope] How to pass the namespace of #in tag to separate DTML method
Hannu Krosing
Tue, 03 Aug 1999 16:25:17 +0300
I'm trying to delegate the rendering inside the #in tag
to separate DTML method, as it is repeated a few times.
I'm trying to pass the namespace active inside the #in,
but hav currently run out of ideas to try.
My first guess was to do
<!--#in myseq-->
<!--#with _-->
<!--#var render_row-->
where render_row is equivalent to
Row nr <!--#var sequence-item-->
But this is probably redundant
I also tried
<!--#in myseq-->
<!--#var render_row(namespace=_)-->
where render_row is equivalent to
<!--#with namespace-->
Row nr <!--#var sequence-item-->
But also with no success ;(