[Zope] Zope and Editors
Paul Everitt
Tue, 3 Aug 1999 16:46:54 -0400
Stephan wrote:
> I personally like file extensions. I think everything behind
> the last dot (.)
> should define the file type. Always. I think that would be
> also good for Zope.
> Why write index_html, when you can write index.html?
Hmm, here are the reasons:
1) It means that all metadata has to be shoe-horned into the filename.
The web object model cured this by having headers that express things
like Content-Type.
2) Python doesn't allow dots as object ids.
3) It rarely works. For instance, does .doc mean Word6, Word95, Word98,
or Word2000? Next, if you define a ZClass for Customer, do you have
.cst as the magic ending? .cust? .customer?
> > Even worse, how would you edit the arguments list in a SQL
> method via
> > FTP?
> Good Question. You could do something similar to HTML. The
> entire document
> is a SQL Method document. Then you have a "tag" (similar to
> head), maybe called
> ARGS to define the arguments. And use the BODY tag to specify
> the SQL statement
> Example:
> File name: qryGetMembersByGender.smf (smo - SQL Method File)
> Content:
> <!--#args -->
> gender:string = "f"
> <!--#/args -->
> <!--#body type=sql --> # Having a type allows to use that
> format with other doc types
> SELECT * FROM members
> WHERE gender= <!--sqlvar gender type=string-->
> <!--#/body -->
> Note: I hope my example has the right syntax. I am still a
> little shaky, since
> I started coding in DTML last night. :)
Now you're getting closer. Imagine the above as XML. You could encode
what kind of thing it is and all the structure for the thing. You could
even add/edit a whole bunch at one time.
> > We have some pretty good suggestions on how to do this, but first it
> > would be interesting to hear other ideas.
> I hope I was of any help.
> My question:
> I was just reading the Zope manual and read about Sessions. I
> know the
> manual is written for Zope 1.10 and I have Zope 2.0 Beta 1,
> but I could not
> find the Session options. I personally believe they are very valuable.
Yes, they are quite useful
> Another question: Can I give different permissions to edit
> information and
> publish them. For example, iXL has many clients that want to
> use Content
> Management. But before any content from any department gets
> finally published a
> web editor must read it and approve the content (grammar and
> spelling ...).
> Does Zope's permissions are able to do this?
This is one of the few infrastructure things that we'll be looking at
for the remainder of the year (workflow). As always, our priorities are
set by our consulting business. As soon as we have a project that
requires workflow, we'll start working on it.