[Zope] external and sql methods
Anthony Baxter
Anthony Baxter <anthony@interlink.com.au>
Wed, 04 Aug 1999 20:00:31 +1000
>>> ainis wrote
> Is there any way to call sql method from external method?
Yep - assuming you pass the sql method itself to the external method as
'meth', and it's set up as:
body of method:
select accountid, groupid
from account_table
name = <!--#sqlvar name type=string-->
then your ext. method could be like
def ext1(meth):
for r in res:
# here, you iterate through the list of results.
# normally a result will simply be an instance of
# a dumb class with attributes set to the results,
# eg:
dosomethingwith(r.accountid, r.groupid)
hope this helps,