[Zope] hiding site content based upon a domain? (similar
to htaccess)
Phillip J. Eby
Fri, 06 Aug 1999 09:56:54 -0500
At 08:47 AM 8/6/99 +0100, Tony McDonald wrote:
>So, I put some logic at the top of standard_html_header like so:
><!--#if "AUTHENTICATED_USER=='AnonUser'"-->
><!--#call "RESPONSE.redirect('denied')"-->
>etc etc
>And I *still* get the main page showing up and telling me I'm
>AnonUser (ie the page I get is what I should see if I'm ValidUser).
>Does standard_html_header do some other voodoo that isn't plainly obvious?
No. The problem is that:
<!--#if "AUTHENTICATED_USER=='AnonUser'"-->
Should be:
<!--#if "AUTHENTICATED_USER.name=='AnonUser'"-->
Because AUTHENTICATED_USER is a user *object*, not a string. The string
representation of a user object is its .name attribute, but if you try to
just compare a user object to a string, it will always fail.