[Zope] Can't start server

Paul Wolstenholme wolstena@oscar.cprost.sfu.ca
Sun, 8 Aug 1999 22:52:47 -0700 (PDT)

I just read the devshed article on Zope and thought I would give it a try
on my machine. I'm running:

FreeBSD 2.1 Stable
Python 1.5.2
Apache 1.3.6

Zope 2b3

I did not see any errors when I ran "python w_pcgi.py"  but when "./start"
was run I recieved the following errors:

Traceback (innermost last):
  File "/usr/local/www/cgi-bin/Zope-2.0.0b3-src/z2.py", line 366, in ?
    import ZServer
  File "/usr/local/www/cgi-bin/Zope-2.0.0b3-src/ZServer/__init__.py", line
in ?
    from HTTPServer import zhttp_server, zhttp_handler
  File "/usr/local/www/cgi-bin/Zope-2.0.0b3-src/ZServer/HTTPServer.py",
line 111
, in ?
    import thread
ImportError: No module named thread

If someone could point me in the right direction I would be very happy.


Paul Wolstenholme
Simon Fraser University
Centre for Experimental and Constructive  Mathematics (CECM)
Vancouver, BC Canada