[Zope] No Database-connection with Z SQL Methode
Martijn Pieters
Mon, 09 Aug 1999 20:34:51 +0200
At 15:08 9-8-99 , Neil.Smith@aucs-europe.com wrote:
>I have just updated from beta 1 to beta 3 and I am finding the same
>thing with ODBC. Despite the fact that I have added an ODBC connection
>and the connection is reported as being open, I can not add a SQL
>>From: Alexander Spanke[SMTP:malcom@d.kamp.net]
>>Sent: 09 August 1999 13:43
>>To: zope@zope.org
>>Subject: [Zope] No Database-connection with Z SQL Methode
>>i use zope2.0b3 with MySQL as Database. The ZMySQLDatabase-Adabter works
>>fine. Now i want
>>include a SQL-Query with Z SQL-Methode. But if i do this, Z SQL-Methode
>>give the error-msg :
>>" no database connection found. please connect ... "
>>Is this a problem of the beta3, how can i debug the problem ?
This is a know bug in beta 3, and has been filed as such.
Martijn Pieters, Web Developer
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