[Zope] I can't run start :(
Anthony Baxter
Anthony Baxter <anthony@interlink.com.au>
Thu, 12 Aug 1999 12:56:52 +1000
>>> "QWERTYAS Lee" wrote
> MayDay!! MayDay!!!!
> I just installed Zope on another machine after using it for a while on
> another machine. It installed fine, but when I do ./start to start the
> services the following is what I get:
> root@host2:/home/Zope-2.0.0b3-src# ./start------1999-08-11T19:02:13 =
> PROBLEM(100) ZServer Computing default hostname------1999-08-11T19:02:13 =
> INFO(0) ZServer Medusa (V1.10) started at Thu Aug 12 03:02:13 1999 =
> Hostname: host2.csps.tyc.edu.tw Port:8080
> ------1999-08-11T19:02:13 INFO(0) ZServer FTP server started at Thu Aug =
> 12 03:02:13 1999 Authorizer:None Hostname: =
> host2.csps.tyc.edu.tw Port: 8021------1999-08-11T19:02:13 INFO(0) =
> ZServer Monitor Server (V1.5) started on port 8099Traceback (innermost =
> last): File "/home/Zope-2.0.0b3-src/z2.py", line 494, in ? pf =3D =
> open(PID_FILE, 'w')IOError: [Errno 13] Permission denied: =
> '/home/Zope-2.0.0b3-src/var/Z2.pid' =20
> Seem I can't access var/Z2.pid.... but var/Z2.pid really exist.What =
> happended :(
Can Zserver open the Z2.pid file for writing? Bear in mind ZServer
will try to change it's UID. Simple (and horribly insecure) fix is
'chmod 666 var/Z2.pid'. A better solution is to make var/ and contents
be owned by the user that's ZServer is trying to run as.
(DC folks: maybe a try/except around this with a nicer error message?)