[Zope] FYI: Running Zope off a CD-ROM
Phil Harris
Thu, 12 Aug 1999 14:49:07 +0100
I've thought about doing something like this, but with a slight difference.
I would like Zope running on a CD-ROM but allow the user to add objects etc
and save the Odb to disk, but nothing else on the harddrive, only the odb.
Then at an appropriate time I would like an auto-synchronisation to take
place with the 'real' Zope Server, at our site.
This would allow me to use Zope as a distant learning tool. The students
could do the course off-line and then sync with our server and allow marking
by a cource tutor at a later date.
I may very well take your bits and 'extend' them for my own use. The HOW-TO
would be a great pointer for me though, so what you hanging around for, get
to it and do it ;).
Yours in anticipation,
----- Original Message -----
From: Paul Everitt <paul@digicool.com>
To: <zope@zope.org>
Sent: Thursday, August 12, 1999 11:57 AM
Subject: [Zope] FYI: Running Zope off a CD-ROM
> Howdy folks. I thought I'd share the results of something we delivered
> yesterday and see if anyone here thinks it's useful.
> We are pursuing a contract for a think tank that wants to provide an
> interactive presentation of a data-driven policy decision. The
> deliverable must run completely off a CD-ROM without installation of
> anything and use a standard web browser with no tricks.
> First we whipped up a quick Zope site that had a few cosmetic pieces in
> it. For a demonstration application we took 1600 recent Zope mail
> messages, made a ZClass for them, then loaded them into Zope and
> catalogued them.
> Next we took the "read-only" machinery that _might_ be in Z2b4 (it's in
> my sandbox), that allows ZServer to run without writing a pid file or
> log file, and ZODB to run in-memory. You're still allowed to do
> everything with the database -- add objects, undo, versions, etc. -- but
> no changes are made on disk. When you quit, the changes are gone. Very
> useful for giving demos as well.
> Finally I copied the directory onto a CD-R. Sure enough, you just
> double-click on start.bat (I don't know anything about autorun) and,
> after a bit of a wait, everything runs just fine. Absolutely nothing
> gets written to the hard drive.
> It's still a little rough. First, there's a whole lot of unnecessary
> stuff being imported (like all the win32 stuff for running as a
> service), and thus the startup time is around 45 seconds. With some
> serious tinkering I imagine that could be brought under control.
> But still it's a neat opportunity for Zope. Where else can the app
> server _and_ database be cranked up with one click and leave your system
> in a nice state? Try that with ColdFusion or Domino. :^)
> If anyone thinks this would make a good "How-To", either for the part
> about running in read-only mode or the mail archive application, lemme
> know.
> --Paul
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