[Zope] ISP installation of Zope
Martijn Pieters
Mon, 16 Aug 1999 09:53:28 +0200
At 19:33 15/08/99 , Oliver Andrich wrote:
>I am the CTO of an ISP and after doing some Zope projects (only smaller
>inhouse things) I like to setup Zope as a service for our customers, cause we
>receive requests for Zope, cause some of the companies we cooperate with
>already use Python as the primary scripting language. And they want Zope for
>their customers.
>What do I have to do so I have one central installation of Zope and something
>like user installations for our customers. Or do we need Zope for each and
>every customer? I have looked on the Zope web page, but either I am to dumb
>or no information is available.
Zope can be installed as a central software package, with different
instance directories for each customer.
It knows about a SOFTWARE_HOME and a INSTANCE_HOME, where Products can
reside in both SOFTWARE_HOME/lib/python/Products and in
INSTANCE_HOME/Products. I believe this is also the case with Extensions
(like External Methods and Plugable Brains). The instance's var directory
resides in, of course, INSTANCE_HOME/var.
I have never set up such a directory structure however. But I do know that
DC will give any assistance to an ISP that wants to set up Zope as a
service. I suggest you email info@digicool.com and ask them to help you.
They also will list your ISP on the hosting page of Zope.org if you wish.
Martijn Pieters, Web Developer
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