[Zope] newbie - odbc missing operator

Michael Guidry michael.guidry@trigenttechnologies.com
Mon, 16 Aug 1999 17:51:30 -0500

Thanks for the pointer. Let's get into some Z stuff. How does one do the
Instead of the string '(918)' we need to select for a list of areacodes.
i.e. (918), (404), (950).

something like ...
select name, phone from contact where phone LIKE '(918)%' OR phone LIKE
should be built using DTML???
but how?

 > On Mon, Aug 16, 1999 at 11:24:22AM -0500, Michael Guidry wrote:
> Micheal -
> I'm not familiar with the dbase flavor of ODBC, nor what Crystal Report
> but my guess is that it'll map standard SQL syntax to whatever the
> backend wants. In that case, you need to know that 'startswith' is not
> an SQL standard operator. The standard way to express what you want is:
> select name, phone
> from contact1
> where phone LIKE '(918)%'
> The LIKE operator takes two kinds of wild cards:
> single character: _ (yup, underscore) and zero or more characters: %. You
> can think of them acting like ? and * at the DOS prompt.
> BTW, as you can tell, this is an SQL question, not a Zope specific one.
> Ross
> > Using dbase, I want to find all records which have a phone that begins
with a specific area code. I try
> > select name, phone
> > from contact1
> > where phone startswith '(918)'
> > (The same query works with crystal report.)
> > which produces...
> > Error, sql.error: ('37000', -3100, "[Microsoft][ODBC dBase Driver]
Syntax error (missing operator) in query expression 'phone1 startswith
> >
> > I can use = as an operand but need to know how to use other odbc
> > Also, anyone know where a list of operands for dbase might be located on
the internet.
> > Michael Guidry
> > michael.guidry@trigenttechnologies.com
> --
> Ross J. Reedstrom, Ph.D., <reedstrm@rice.edu>
> NSBRI Research Scientist/Programmer
> Computer and Information Technology Institute
> Rice University, 6100 S. Main St.,  Houston, TX 77005