[Zope] Thanks! .... and a util to look at a property of a mirror branch from the original branch.
Tue, 17 Aug 1999 20:33:45 +0900
Really thanks a lot for your hints & suggestions, although this bonehead failed
to follow the suggestions.
Strangely, michel's, John's and Anthony's suggestion did not work on
my Zope site. Now I wonder whether this is due to the difference between Zope 1.10.3 and Zope2.0x. Zope 1.10.3 gave me lots of tracebacks excepted from careful_getitem in DT_Util.py
But, unable to distinguish the bug in my head and the feature in Zope, I fell upon
the external method, instead of going th Collector.
For a newbie or a more-boner head than mine, its code is at the bottom (hence nobody might use them, hughhh).
Thanks again for your concerns,
LEE Kwan Soo.
An external method to inspect TR property of the corresponding DTML Document or Folder in the mirror branch.
Usage: <!--#var "isTRed(REQUEST)"-->
If you call this method in the DTML Document /korean/aaa/bbb/ccc/ddd, it inspect the TR property of /english/aaa/bbb/ccc/ddd and returns its value. If there is no TR property then it is set to '0'.
When called in the DTML Method /korean/aaa/bbb/ccc/mmm, It returns and, if needed, set the TR value of the Folder /english/aaa/bbb/ccc.
/ (root) is the Zope root folder.
from string import split
def isTRed(self, REQUEST):
ulist = split(REQUEST.URL0, '/')[4:] # if your Zope root folder is /Zope, replace 4 with 5.
if ulist[-1] in self.objectIds(['DTML Document']): pass #see whether called in DDoc or DMet.
else: ulist = ulist[:-1]
obj = REQUEST.PARENTS[-1].english #obj is the *mirror* branch. use your folder id
# instead of 'english'.
# Is there a guru's way to refer to the root object in an external method?
for i in range(len(ulist)): #walked down in the *mirror* branch.
xobj = getattr(obj, ulist[i])
obj = xobj
if hasattr(obj, 'TR'): pass #chech if the obj(DDoc or Folder) has TR. use your property
else: # ID here.
obj.manage_addProperty('TR', '0', 'string') #if not, set TR property. use your property
return obj.TR #ID & default value, type here.
If any body use this external method, please improve this to prove mine is the bonest head in Zopeland.