[Zope] accesing methods inside subfolders
Perez, Victor
Tue, 17 Aug 1999 10:48:10 -0500
How can I access a method inside a subfolder from a method/document in its
parent folder?
Actually I have a squishdot site on a "news" folder. There is a shownews
method inside and I would like to call that method from my main index_html
method. I tried everything and my closest approach was to get the a dump of
its DTML code on the page using
<!--#var "news.shownews"-->
Thanks in advance for your help.
Victor Perez Muena
IS&T Support - Port Area (Los Vilos)
Los Pelambres Project - Bechtel Chile Ltda.
Ext. 8033, Phone: (2) 361-8033 - Fax: (2) 361-8025