[Zope] Re: Scalability issues
Martijn Pieters
Thu, 19 Aug 1999 10:59:55 +0200
At 02:51 19/08/99 , Elliot Lee wrote:
>On Wed, 18 Aug 1999, Squishdot wrote:
> > I found the references to the tweaks that Bruce did to his site:
> >
> >
> http://technocrat.net/932767939/933005001/933015973/933173345/933182540/in
> dex_html
> > http://technocrat.net/933171945/933179349/933179911/index_html
>It talks about how to fix up apache in general to work better on a slow
>system, and perhaps tweak Zope a bit, but it doesn't seem to address the
>main problem itself - doing lots of requests on a unspeedy object makes
>Zope fall over. While it would be nice for Squishdot to be faster, the
>main problem is that Zope just stops doing ANYTHING once there has been a
>connection overload. Even if I kill all the wgets, new connections just
>sit there hanging forever.
>I would blame Zope for the problem, but I lack the Python & Zope expertise
>to solve it, sorry.
There is a known problem with ZServer hangs in Zope 2.0b4. It (supposedly)
is fixed in the upcoming b5.
Martijn Pieters, Web Developer
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