[Zope] manage problem.
Jeffrey Shell
Thu, 19 Aug 1999 13:52:40 -0400
> currently, we use zope for our intranet. when i reinstalled
> it (copied the
> data.bbb file to save the content from the previous installation)
> the site loads great with all data being displayed as before.
> THE PROBLEM: i can't manage it! when i try and manage the site, the
> login/password prompt comes up and the login/password i enter is not
> accepted. it does match the combo i entered during the
> installation. it is
> also the same combo i used on the previous installation. i checked the
> "access" file to confirm the login/password combo...
You mention re-installing. If it's on NT behind IIS, you have to
remember to set the authentication. In IIS 3, you have to set the
Password Authentication to "Allow Anonymous" in the service properties.
I don't know how to do this in IIS 4.