[Zope] How to pronounce "Zope" ?
Mon, 23 Aug 1999 08:57:15 -0400
I always thought the Z was some sort of transliteration of a heavy french
accent on 'the'.
-----Original Message-----
From: Alexander Staubo [mailto:alex@mop.no]
Sent: Monday, August 23, 1999 8:53 AM
To: Zope Mailing List (E-mail); 'Svante Kleist'
Subject: RE: [Zope] How to pronounce "Zope" ?
Like "soap" but with a "z" as in "zoo".
It doesn't mean anything. It's a silly acronym for "Z Object Publishing
Environment". The real $1m question is: What exactly is Z?
Alexander Staubo http://www.mop.no/~alex/
"QED?" said Russell.
"It's Latin," said Morgan. "It means, 'So there you bastard'."
--Robert Rankin, _Nostramadus Ate My Hamster_
> -----Original Message-----
> From: Svante Kleist [mailto:svante+zope@nemesis.se]
> Sent: 23. august 1999 14:38
> To: ZOPE
> Subject: [Zope] How to pronounce "Zope" ?
> Dear Zopistas,
> How should "Zope" be pronounced?
> Does the word mean something special,
> is it an American English slang term?
> / Svante Kleist, curious
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