[Zope] ANNOUNCE: KM|Net News 0.9.1

Arnaud Lecat lecat@hexanet.fr
Thu, 26 Aug 1999 09:52:57 +0200


I have a problem with the installation procedure. Here's the error

>> The object KMnetNews does not support this operation

Every file is at its place (KMnetNews.zexp in import and popular.py
in Extensions) I have Zope 2.0 b5 - Win 32

Help :)

Kevin Dangoor wrote:

> Hi,
>     KM|Net News is the Zope 2.0 version of the news code used at
> http://www.byproducts.com
>     It allows you to create a c|net sort of news site (with news arranged in
> categories) and allows reader submissions (with editor approval) and
> syndication.
>     0.9.1 fixes some bugs in 0.9 and adds some features that people had
> asked for. There was one really boneheaded bug in 0.9.0 (the incoming.html
> had the wrong variable name for the article body, so it wasn't saving the
> body).
>     The Product's web page has moved to
> http://www.zope.org:18200/Members/tazzzzz/kmnn
> (The new zope.org is great, huh?)
> Kevin
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       >> WinErr: 080 Clavier introuvable - Veuillez appuyer
          sur n'importe quelle touche pour continuer. <<

Arnaud LECAT >> Email: lecat@hexanet.fr >> WWW page:www.hexanet.fr/~lecat

                    HEXANET >> http://www.hexanet.fr

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