[Zope] Re: ldapmodule1.5 with python 1.52 linux

David Leonard David Leonard <david.leonard@csee.uq.edu.au>
Fri, 27 Aug 1999 15:46:47 +1000 (EST)

On Fri, 27 Aug 1999, Dr. Ross Lazarus wrote:

> Has anyone managed to compile David Leonard's ldapmodule-1.5.tar under
> linux (redhat6) with python 1.52 for use with zope 2.x ? 
> I get a slew of ugly error messages which I suspect mean that the
> wrapper needs undoing and rewrapping - unfortunately my c skills are
> even worse than my python.. 

please email me this slew of ugly error messages :) thanks

> If anyone's already done the work, I'd be grateful for a copy ? Or if
> I'm doing something particularly stupid and it does compile, please let
> me know privately ! (yes, I followed the instructions and no, I don't
> really know what I'm doing)

David Leonard                           David.Leonard@csee.uq.edu.au
Dept of Comp. Sci. and Elec. Engg   _   Room:78-624  Ph:+61 7 336 52447
The University of Queensland       |+|  http://www.csee.uq.edu.au/~leonard/
QLD 4072  AUSTRALIA               ~` '~ E2A24DC6446E5779D7AFC41AA04E6401

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