[Zope] Squishdot question

Steffen Ries steffen@cyberus.ca
Fri, 27 Aug 1999 21:48:53 -0400 (EDT)

You, Pavlos Christoforou wrote:
> Hello Steffen -
> If News is in your acquisition path then something like this should work:
> <!--# var "News.headlines"-->
> Pavlos


thanks, with your answer I did figure it out (although I don't quite
like it yet).

<!--#var "News.headlines"--> inserts the contents of the DTML method
into the calling document. Not exactly what I wanted :-)

However, <!--#with "News"--> <!--#var headlines--><!--#/with-->
works. The only problem remaining is that the links are relative to
the parent page, instead of relative to "News".

I solved it by putting the following code in the parent directory:
<!--#with "News"-->
  <!--#if has_items-->
    <!--#in item_list-->
      <!--#if "reviewed or not moderated"-->
        <A HREF="<!--#var URL1-->/News<!--#var thread_path-->/<!--#var id-->/index_html"><!--#var title--></a><BR>
      <!--#/if reviewed-->
    <!--#/in item_list -->
  <!--#/if has_items-->

Any better idea?

thanks again,
steffen@cyberus.ca		<> Gravity is a myth -- the Earth sucks!