[Zope] absolute newbie question
Sat, 28 Aug 1999 13:23:03 -0700
i worked for quite a long time with an odb content management system of
a friend. i got used to get and set properties in the odb by simple
assigning values to, resp. reading out values from the properties.
something like <% node = new Node ("msg"); node.msgText = query
("msg"); %
after a while playing around with zope (the version 2 beta) i found it
wonderfully easy to read out data with dtml-objects. but i got stuck
and confused trying to fill some data into a property the equivalent
well, yes, it's not a problem in the management screen, no question.
this works fine. but i am thinking of a web page one can open in a
browser window without logging in or using the management screen.
there, for example, one should be able to post a message and this
message will be put into the odb.
something like <!--#setProperty (msgText, REQUEST ['mgs']) -->
(dumb question?)
best regards,