[Zope] Re: Zope/cron usage?

Mauricio mauricio@hiper.com.br
Tue, 31 Aug 1999 19:19:47 -0300

  I use the cron to call a script called exec.sh ok?
in this script i call others 5 python programs.
These programs get specifics pages from the web using the ZClient,
extracts the information that i need using regular expressions,
and put it on a data base.

More questions?

David Kankiewicz wrote:
> Can you describe the exact behavior of your solution, what it does?
> I'm looking into a simple solution and need to know if it could replace
> your usage of cron, or if I should try a different approach.
> Thanks,
> David Kankiewicz
Mauricio Souza Lima <mauricio@hiper.com.br>
Hiperlógica <http://hiper.com.br>          
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