[Zope] sequence-item and ZSQL

Anders Gaarsdal Holst anders@colorweb.dk
Thu, 02 Dec 1999 21:54:09 +0100


I have a <dtml-in> loop as follows:

<dtml-in have>
<dtml-call change_have_want_sql>

I now want to use the var sequence-item in the ZSQL method, that is
called. This does not work however. Why is that?

I have also tried using another var for transferring to the ZSQL method.

<dtml-in have>
<dtml-call "REQUEST.set('movieID', sequence-item)">
<dtml-call change_have_want_sql>

But Zope apperently cannot figure the " - "  out in "sequence-item", and
therefore cannot set this new var "movieID". What is the syntax for
writing this var?

               A n d e r s  G a a r s d a l  H o l s t