[Zope] dtml-if

Kyle Burnett kburnett@ep.newtimes.com
Sun, 05 Dec 1999 15:51:52 -0700

how about in this case:

<dtml-if "this_page_start != page_start">
<P>this_page_start (<dtml-var this_page_start>) is not equal to page_start
(<dtml-var page_start>)

yet when both variables are in fact equal, say they both are equal to "4",
it still tells me they are not.

>From: Chris McDonough <chrism@digicool.com>
>To: "'Adam Gotheridge'" <adam@foxvalley.net>, zope <zope@zope.org>
>Subject: RE: [Zope] dtml-if
>Date: Sun, Dec 5, 1999, 3:36 PM

>> I can't figure out how to write this simple expression. I am trying to
>> compare 2 variable in a dtml-if statement.
>> ---variables:
>> username: <dtml-var username><br>
>> ---output:
>> username: dan
>> ---expression:
>> <dtml-if "username == AUTHENTICATED_USER">
>> ---evaluates false and I can't figure out why! Have also tried
>> <dtml-if "username == REQUEST['AUTHENTICATED_USER']">
>> to no avail.
> In the if expression you're using (username==ATHENTICATED_USER), you're
> comparing an object to a string.  AUTHENTICATED_USER is a Zope object,
> not a string.
> You want:
> <dtml-if "username==AUTHENTICATED_USER.getUserName()">
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