[Zope] Setting edit form to default max width

Jason Cunliffe jasonic@nomadicsltd.com
Mon, 13 Dec 1999 11:49:21 +0100


How can I make _all_ my Zope edit forms default to max width available in
the browser frame/window?

Where do I set these defaults? 

<constructive grumbling>
The 'wider' 'narrower' buttons are cute at first glance, but frankly I find
now they are a bloody nuisance. toomuch sapce, wrong position not enough

There has to be a better way even using minmal HTML. 

Maybe I missed something here. 
Zope does not seem to remember the size I want so what's the point...?

Beyond that I almost always want the maximum screen real estate available
for edit forms when doing management stuff/test DTML. Is there a reason it
is not always like this? What do others do?
</constructive grumbling>

thanks in advance for any help
- Jason
Jason Cunliffe  <jasonic@nomadicsltd.com>
NOMADICS.STUDIO(Design Director)
Geo-Digital Arts and Technology
Le Vieux Moulin,  Route de Mons
Tel: +33 (0)4    
Fax: +33 (0)4