[Zope] Any comments?

Patrick Phalen zope@teleo.net
Mon, 13 Dec 1999 22:14:26 -0800

[Rob Page, on Mon, 13 Dec 1999]
:: Hi Edin:
:: > Recently I sent You some informations about setting Zope with 
:: > Apache but it seems not to be so interessting to be published. If
:: something 
:: > gone wrong with my mails, please take a look at /Members/edin. I would
:: like 
:: > to get some feedback, letting me know how to do it better next time.
:: "better next time"  !?  I think the How-To is awesome!  I didn't test
:: the configurations but I think the document itseld is clear and has a
:: thorough example -- the critical ingredient to a good How-To.
:: Thanks for taking the time to write it!!!!!!
:: --Rob


I agree with Rob. An excellent How-To.

Your kind offer to explain how you set up your RAID array is also very
tempting. ;) I need to set up two different Linux servers with RAID 5
and find the Linux Software RAID How-Tos frustrating, since the
latest one seems to date from 1998 and is not up-to-date with
recent changes. So count me as one person who would very much
appreciate learning more from you. I realize this would be off-topic
for the list, but perhaps you could email directly, if you find the