[Zope] Acquisition problem - please help
Dave Parker
Thu, 16 Dec 1999 22:02:45 -0600
If I have a folder structure like this:
and first defines a property X
and third defines a property X
(and nothing else defines proprty X)
an first defines a method M
And I do http://host/first/second/third/fourth/fifth
What value of X would a method M see? The value first set or the value
third set?
What I'm seeing is this:
with http://host/first/second/third, M sees the value that third set
with http://host/first/second/third/fourth/fifth, M sees the value that
first set
I am using "Zope version: Zope 2.0.1 (source release, python 1.5.1,
linux2) "
Is this what is supposed to happen, or is this a bug that was fixed? I
*think* I had it working such that M saw third's value at one point,
then I changed the name of the property in question (and all the methods
that reference it to reflect that). Now I see what I described above.
If this is a bug, is there a work around? Desperate!