[Zope] FastCGI and apache setup problems

Andrew Hall aah@impaq.net.au
Mon, 20 Dec 1999 19:10:12 +1100

You did it!!

see below for the bothersome bit!!

Thank you very much! All seems to be working fine now.. I'll let you know
how I find zope operating it this way.

kind regards,


----- Original Message -----
From: Thilo Mezger <news-list.zope@innominate.de>
To: <zope@zope.org>
Sent: Monday, December 20, 1999 6:05 PM
Subject: Re: [Zope] FastCGI and apache setup problems

> Pavlos Christoforou <pavlos@gaaros.msrc.sunysb.edu> wrote:
> > I have not used the named pipe option of FastCGI so I won't be of much
> > help. Maybe you can test the TCP option first and see if you can tweek
> > that one to work. Apart from the read/write options on /tmp/zope.soc I
> > don't expect any other major sources of headaches.
> i have played around with the named pipe option a little bit and i felt
> that it somehow was less reliable than the tcp option.  i can't give
> you any more reasons why it think that this is so because i've had
> some non-deterministic behaviour...
> hmm, but if you use /tmp/zope.soc make sure to configure mod_fastcgi
> like this:
> <IfModule mod_fastcgi.c>
>     FastCgiIpcDir /tmp
>     FastCgiExternalServer /foo/htdocs/Zope -socket zope.soc -pass-header
>     <Location /zope>
>         Options ExecCGI
>         SetHandler fastcgi-script
>     </Location>
> </IfModule>
> the important line is the one with "FastCgiIpcDir /tmp" because by default
> mod_fastcgi uses /tmp/fcgi and you can only put a filename but not a full
> pathname after the "-socket" option.

This comment is true, and this is what my problem was..

the documentation in doc/WEBSERVER.TXT is wrong! "you can only put a
filename but not a full pathname after the "-socket" option."

> >> Once I get this working how do I stop Zope from being accessable on any
> >> other than my apache port?
> use z2.py's -w option:
>   -w port
>     The Web server (HTTP) port.  This defaults to %(HTTP_PORT)s. The
>     standard port for HTTP services is 80.  If this is an empty string
>     (e.g. -w ''), then HTTP is disabled.
> i'm very interested in your mod_fastcgi experiences.  maybe you could post
> a reply how you got your mod_fastcgi working.
> imho, mod_fastcgi is one of the best methods to put zope on a server...
> regards
> thilo
> --
> mezger@innominate.de
>                                                         innominate AG
>                                                     networking people
> fon: +49.30.308806-11 fax: -77 web: http://innominate.de pgp: /pgp/tm
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