[Zope] anyone compile zope on OpenBSD 2.6?

Christopher Petrilli petrilli@digicool.com
Mon, 20 Dec 1999 17:01:54 -0500

On 12/20/99 4:16 PM, NatePuri at publisher@office.ompages.com wrote:

> Hi all,
> Anyone the latest zope release to compile on OpenBSD?  I'd like to know
> how you did it.  Right now I get the following errors when I compile.
> Traceback (innermost last):
> File "wo_pcgi.py", line 116, in ?
> if __name__=='__main__': main(sys.argv[0])
> File "wo_pcgi.py", line 107, in main
> import zpasswd; zpasswd.write_access(home, user, group)
> File "/home/natepuri/APPS/Zope-2.1.1-src/zpasswd.py", line 90, in ?
> import sys, string, sha, binascii, whrandom, getopt, getpass, os
> ImportError: No module named sha
> Thanks y'all.  Talk to you soon...

What version of Python do you have installed?  I use FreeBSD 2.2.8 and 3.3
without any problems, and gven the similarities :-) Zope 2.x needs 1.5.2 and
no lower... the 'sha' module is in there by default.

| Christopher Petrilli        Python Powered        Digital Creations, Inc.
| petrilli@digicool.com                             http://www.digicool.com