[Zope] Part-time tracebacks

Phil Harris phil.harris@zope.co.uk
Tue, 21 Dec 1999 14:43:24 -0000

I seem to have fixed it btw but in a different way.

All I did was to cast the object to a string and this seems to have fixed
the problem:


This should work for all the files that I'm interested in, so until it
breaks I'll leave it that way.


|>-----Original Message-----
|>From: Michel Pelletier [mailto:michel@digicool.com]
|>Sent: Tuesday, December 21, 1999 2:46 PM
|>To: 'Phil Harris'; Michel Pelletier; Zope@zope.org
|>Subject: RE: [Zope] Part-time tracebacks
|>> -----Original Message-----
|>> From: Phil Harris [mailto:phil.harris@zope.co.uk]
|>> Sent: Tuesday, December 21, 1999 9:20 AM
|>> To: Michel Pelletier; Zope@zope.org
|>> Subject: RE: [Zope] Part-time tracebacks
|>> Right.....
|>> But why would documents of exactly the same Zope type and content-type
|>> behave differently???
|>I don't know, perhaps all the objects your external method is chewing
|>(I'm assuming an EM here) are not all objects if the same type, it's
|>happened to me...
|>My wrapped object suggestion may not be the case, but that's what it
|>looks like from your traceback.  What might be useful is to fire up Zope
|>in DeBug mode and wrap your code with something like:
|>  try:
|>    pass    # your code here...
|>  except:
|>    import pdb
|>    pdb.set_trace()
|>When an exception gets raised, you'll find your Zope in the python
|>debugger waiting for input (all other Zope services will be locked out,
|>BTW).  Now you can inspect your object to see what it really is:
|>pdb> p obj
|><DTMLMethod instance at 8403ed8>
|>pdb> type(obj)
|><extension class Acquisition.ImplicitAcquirerWrapper at 400fa3b0>
|>etc... at this point it's kinda fun (in my sick and twisted world) to
|>play around with the obj in question, examining all of its various aq_
|>properties, like aq_self, aq_parent, aq_inner, aq_inContextOf, and
|>> These were all File with a type of text/xml, so why the difference???
|>Not sure.