[Zope] BUG? ftp download of GIF

Li Dongfeng mavip5@inet.polyu.edu.hk
Fri, 24 Dec 1999 13:27:10 +0800

After some more exploration,
I have found that using the zope ftp server,
I can download small files(less than 40KB),
but cannot download large files(more than 70KB).
Is this a problem of my zope installation or 
a zope bug?

Li Dongfeng wrote:
> The problem:
> Trying to ftp download one GIF image in a zope folder
> failed, the server give the following error message:
> ------
> 1999-12-24T03:14:10 ERROR(200) ZServer exception in trigger thunk:
> (exceptions.AttributeError:'None' object has no attribute '_producers'
> [/home/maldf/Zope-2.1.0b2-src/ZServer/medusa/select_trigger.py|handle_read|82]
> [/home/maldf/Zope-2.1.0b2-src/ZServer/FTPResponse.py|apply|145]
> [/home/maldf/Zope-2.1.0b2-src/ZServer/FTPServer.py|retr_completion|360])
> But many other GIF images never cause this
> problem in ftp download.
> The offending image is at
>   http://www.zope.org/Members/LiDongfeng/test.gif
> The ftp client used is WS FTP LE version 5.06 on windows.
> The Zope server is version 2.1.0b2 on solaris 2.6.
> Anyone know the cause of this problem?
> PS:
> I have found the offending code in
> ZServer/FTPServer.py|retr_completion|360,
> it is:
>             if not response._wrote:
>                 self.client_dc.push(response.body)
>             else:
>                 for producer in response.stdout._producers:
>                     self.client_dc.push_with_producer(producer)
> obviously the response.stdout is None.
> Why this occured?
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