[Zope] Objet : Re: [Zope] dtml-call

Francois-Regis CHALAOUX fchalaou@strasbourg.synthelabo.fr
Tue, 28 Dec 1999 10:05:03 +0100


Add a property to your document or folder. Insert the days of the week (in Swedish) inside. Test the day number. Render the Swedish name in function of the value returned. The property is a list. Each element of the list has a number :)


>>> Magnus Heino <magnus@vuab.net> 28/12/99 09:08:07 >>>

> ZopeTime() returns the current time as a DateTime object. The Day() method
> returns the name of the day of the week. The DateTime methods are in
> Appendix A of the DTML Guide.

I want the name of the day of the week is Swedish.

Will Zope support this (and other locale strings too i guess) in the

Or is it possible today, have I missed something?


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