[Zope] Dumb object aliasing question
Tue, 28 Dec 1999 09:44:07 -0600
>If I add a new image, call it img1 and view it outside of manage, all is
well. If I replace that image and view it. It hasn't changed ?? If I view
it in >manage it's the new image.
>Restarting Zope doesn't help.
>If I now change this image in manage a second time it won't change. But
it's size changed, just not the image.
>I picked up the CVS version deleted Data.fs and started over, with the
same results. Shouldn't I be able to change an image ?
>Any idea where the code is that decides to render one way for local manage
and another way for the remote user ? I'll find it eventually ....gurrr
I ran into this same problem when I started working with Zope. I believe
that the problem that you are running into is the cache in your browser
(especially if you are using Netscape). Restarting Zope wont help (as you
found out) and restarting your browser in many cases wont help either.
You will need to go in and physically clear out the browser cache. In
Netscape 4.7 it is located at
... hope this helps.