Timothy Wilson wilson@visi.com
Thu, 30 Dec 1999 19:48:46 -0600 (CST)

On 30 Dec 1999, CURTIS David wrote:

> How do you modify Linux so that the Zope Server "ZSERVER" starts automatically?  I'm running LINUX RedHat 6.1.  Also, starting Zope at the prompt #./start causes zope to run but it does not return the prompt.  I have to use a 2nd virtual console to get the back into the system.  I did not have this problem using the RPM's but now it seems to be specific with source zope.

Zope is set to run in "debug" mode by default. When in debug mode, Zope
won't disconnect from the console. If you need to stay in debug mode, then
doing a 'nohup ./start &' will work. If you don't need debug mode, then
edit the start script in the root Zope directory and remove the "-D"
switch. (Take a look at z2.py to see more startup switches.) Good luck.


Timothy Wilson       | "The faster you  |  Check out:
Henry Sibley H.S.    |  go, the shorter | http://slashdot.org/
W. St. Paul, MN, USA |  you are."       | http://linux.com/
wilson@visi.com      |       -Einstein  | http://www.mn-linux.org/