[Zope] Newbie DTML question
Timothy Grant
Tue, 02 Feb 1999 09:03:47 -0800
At 08:52 AM 2/2/99 -0500, you wrote:
>At 03:19 PM 2/1/99 -0800, Timothy Grant wrote:
>>KeyError: (see above)
>My guess is you used <!--#var _[Category]--> when you should've used
><!--#var "_[Category]"-->. The latter is an expression, looking up the
>variable whose name is in variable Category, while the former looks for a
>variable *whose name* is "_[Category]", and doesn't exist, therefore
>causing a KeyError.
Thanks Phillip. This indeed got me closer, but I'm still not quite there
yet. I'm building system that has dynamically generated buttons on it. The
name of each input is based on the contents of a TinyTable thusly:
<select name="<!--#var Category-->" size=1>
<!--#in "PriceTable(PriceGroup=_['Category'])"-->
<option><!--#var Description-->
<!--#call "REQUEST.set('cost',Cost)"-->
This works beautifully, and generates HTML that looks like:
<select name="Processor" size=1>
<option>AMDK6 350
<option>Celeron 333
<option>PentiumII 450
So now, I want to get at the value of the variable named "Processor," but I
don't "know" that the name of the variable is "Processor" hence the
indirection. Using your chunk of code above, my traceback reflects the
following change in the correct direction but not quite there.
Error type:
Error value: Processor
I'm guessing that I need another level of indirection and I'm not quite
sure how to get there.
Stand Fast,
Timothy J. Grant tjg@avalongroup.net
Avalon Technology Group www.avalongroup.net
(503) 246-3630 voice
(503) 246-3124 fax
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